Thursday, 29 March 2012

Crossfit session 48 (Thursday)

This is the first week where I've gone to Crossfit back to back, usually I do Monday, Wednesday and Friday to give myself some recovery time and to get other things done, like cleaning and uni work, but this week I went Tuesday, Wednesday Thursday.  I expected to be really sore, but surprisingly I wasn't!


10 x strict pull-ups (no kipping)
10 x tricep dips
Handstand holds

x 3


I quite it like it when we have two workouts, they're not as long and you don't get sick of doing the same exercise for 5 rounds or whatever.

1 min max front-squats (20kg, my squats suck)
1 min max push-ups
1 min max sit-ups
1 min rest

Repeat for 3 rounds.

I have no idea how many of everything I did, the front-squats and the push-ups sucked, so the sit-ups felt like rest!

Here's a front-squat -

WOD 2 

1 x lap of the block (600m run)
50 x kettle-bell swings (12kg)

Repeat for 3 rounds.. that's 150 kettle-bell swings! Crazy. Here's a kettle-bell swing -

I think I did it in 21mins 12 seconds.. maybe, or 12mins 21 seconds.. I forget. I'll have to check my book.

I was expecting it to suck, but it was actually pretty easy and for my first round of kettle-bell swings I did 45 swings in one go, which seemed to make the trainers really happy!

I had to swap my 3rd run for a 750m row though because my knee started feeling dodgy again towards the end of the 2nd run, it's really annoying, I'm clearly going to have to go to a physio or something. I have no idea what's wrong with it but it only starts feeling weird when I'm running, and only after about 800m.

Afterwards one of the trainers was asking me what I'd changed in the last couple of weeks cuz he said I'd made huge improvements and it just seemed to click with me now, he asked if it was diet and I said I was doing paleo, which he seemed surprised at, so then we started chatting about that and intermittent fasting (IF), which he highly recommends and said it helped him lose 5kg really easily, so I'm going to give that another go next week. I don't know what has changed in the last couple of weeks, but I do feel stronger and it's nice when even the trainers pick up on it, means I'm not imagining it!

Here's a muscly guy with a kettle-bell.. totally relevant!

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