Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Crossfit session 44

I love it that the post where I used a picture of some incredibly ripped chick doing muscle-ups got double the amount of hits as normal, you're all pervs!

Here's your buff picture for today, I was trying to find a ripped guy climbing a rope but I couldn't find a good one, they all had bad hair or something.

I totally looked like this

Anyway, back to reality. My thighs have been so sore since Monday's 150 wall ball extravaganza (aka 150 squats) and I was going to go to Crossfit on Tuesday after uni, but I couldn't really walk properly so I didn't think there was much point. Tonight they were a bit better and stretching them out a lot before the session helped, but then we had to do more squats, so my squats were total rubbish and were also not helped by the fact that I went too heavy on the barbell weight.


Max push-ups (or handstand push-ups if you're good enough)
10 x strict pull-ups (no kipping, blue and thin orange band)

Repeat 4 times.

I think my push-ups were 15, 15, 12, 9

So in total 51 push-ups and 40 strict pull ups.


1.6km row (everyone else was running but I gave it a miss because of my knee) - took me 7mins

Then 5 rounds of:

6 x squat cleans (30kg, should have done 25kg)
9 x hand release push-up
12 x sit-up

Then after all that was done, we practiced rope climbs and I'm very pleased to say that I actually got halfway up the rope!! The last time I tried it I couldn't even get up on the rope at all. Hopefully we'll do it again soon and I'll get to the roof!

In total we did: 30 cleans, 45 push-ups (on top of the ones from the warm-up) and 60 sit-ups.

Here are videos of the moves:

Squat cleans - (she doesn't get going til about 45seconds and she makes it look damn easy, I was in serious struggle-town and my form was rubbish, I wasn't getting low enough in the squat at all. Oh well, next time I won't be fooled by the low number of reps!).

Here's another video of them -

Hand-release push-ups - (These are a total bitch).

Diet stuff

Stupidly, I weighed myself yesterday and noticed that I've put on 1.3kg since I finished my Whole30! Bad Emma! I know I've been eating way too much junk on the weekends again, so I'm going to cut that down to one or two meals only, not the whole weekend. I think I just have to go back to taking my own food to Glenn's, cuz his house is full of evil things... or no food at all, which ends up in take-away binges.

 It's probably also a lot to do with adding alcohol back in as well.. but I don't think I'll cut that out completely any time soon, I might try cutting down on it and making better choices though.

It could also just be increase in muscle from doing Crossfit or just random daily variation. My clothes don't feel like they fit any differently, so I guess that is the main thing. Either way, I'm going to try and be a bit more mindful of what I'm shoving in my mouth so that I don't undo all the good work from the Whole30.

Intermittent Fasting

Today I'm trying intermittent fasting, I've wanted to try it for ages as it's something paleo people always go on about, but I didn't really have the motivation not to eat and I wasn't convinced that I wouldn't end up being a grumpy bitch during it.

Today though I needed to get to work early and I couldn't be bothered getting up extra early to make breakfast or think of something to take in with me, so I decided it was the perfect time to try it. See, laziness is good for stuff!

There's lots of different ways people do it, but I've read that about 16-18hrs is a good amount of time, so I've skipped breakfast and will eat a late lunch. I'll see how I go with it, I think I've been paleoish for long enough now that my body should be pretty okay with running on fat and I won't get the same kind of crazy, grumpy hunger I used to get when I was running on carbs. There are lots and lots of good reports about it on the internet, so I'm curious to see how I go.

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