Wednesday, 25 July 2012

Crossfit session 90 (woo!) (Tuesday)


I'm back at uni this week and my class is Wednesday evenings, so my Crossfit days are going to be all screwed up. I think I'll do Monday, Tuesday, Friday, although I didn't go on Monday this week because I had dinner with friends, so I'll have to go Thurs. I might try and get into the habit of going some mornings as well, just so I don't lose all my free evenings.

I can't remember what the warm-up was.


Looong work out today, I kind of like them though because it means you're not doing something over and over, once you've done your reps you move on!

10 calorie row (no idea how long this took, not long)
20 x push-press (push-jerk for the others)
30 x toes to bar/toes to rings/hanging knee raises
40 x push-ups (chest to ground using bands)
40 x back extensions (everyone else was doing 40 x burpee box jumps, so push-ups and back extensions were my substitutes)
50 x sit-ups
60 x kettle-bell swings (16kg)
1km row (everyone else was doing walking lunges)

This took me 23mins 10 seconds.

We did something after this as well, I've totally forgotten what though! I really need to write it all down on the day, instead of days later.


I'm doing well with sticking to paleo this week, I've been pretty much sugar-free as well, except for 1/4 cup raspberries in the evenings. I've also re-introduced greek yogurt because, unlike milk, it doesn't seem to give me any reaction, which is good.. and it's delicious!   I really think going sugar-free is the best idea, I don't seem to have the same cravings and over-eating behaviour as last week when I was eating honey and things like that as well.

I'm also trying to branch out and eat different stuff so that I'm not bored, this week for lunch I have turkey burgers and salad, they're awesome!

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