Wednesday, 2 May 2012

Crossfit session 57 and the Nerd Fitness challenge

I was a bit worried about going to Crossfit tonight because I hadn't been for a week so I was feeling a bit weak, but tonight was fun!

We got to do deadlifts to our 5 rep, 3 rep and 1 rep maxes, what that means is lifting until you find a weight where you couldn't do more than 5 reps at a time and then going heavier until you get to the weight you could do 3 reps of and then finally your 1 rep max. Tonight for the first time ever I lifted above my own body weight! That's been one of my goals at Crossfit so I'm pretty pleased! The lift wasn't the greatest, but I got it up there and don't think I fucked my back, so all good! I also lifted heavier in my 5 rep max than I had before.


5 x inch worm
max handstand hold (hand stand push-up for people who can do them)

x 5



10 x 30kg
5 x 40kg
5 x 50kg
5 x 55kg
5 x 60kg
5 x 65kg
5 x 70kg
3 x 75kg
1 x 80kg
1 x 80kg


10 x push-jerk (25kg)
10 x overhead lunge per leg (5kg plate)
15 x sit-up
7 x burpee

15min AMRAP

I got 3 full rounds and then up to the first lunge of the 4th round. I was having wrist trouble with the push-jerks so I never got through a set of them unbroken.


I have joined the Nerd Fitness 6 week challenge, it's basically a combination of roleplaying and goal achievement and is perfect timing for me because I was just about to start a pre-Saints and Sinners get-into-shape program anyway, which I do every time with mixed results. By doing it on Nerd Fitness though, I have a whole community of people to be accountable to, and it's kind of  a game, so it's more fun.

The way it works is you have to set 4 goals - 3 diet and exercise goals and 1 general life goal and then create a character and over the 6 weeks you have to work towards your goals and also participate in mini challenges within your character class (yes it's that nerdy!), your success at achieving your goal and participating earns you points towards your character. If you're interested my thread is here.

I will cross post my results so anyone who is interested doesn't have to muck about trying to find things in a forum.

Here are my goals anyway:

Diet and Fitness Goals

1.) Stick to paleo 80% of the time, or more. So no more weekend long pizza/chocolate/junk binges! 
2.) Go to Crossfit at least 3 times a week for the next 6 weeks, 4 times if possible 
3.) Lose 5cms from waist measurements

Life Goal

1.) Do at least 30mins of Uni homework every day 

So far I've failed my life goal today! 

I think I'll post pictures and measurements tomorrow as well so that I know exactly what's changed in 6 weeks, it seemed to work well for Whole30.

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