Friday, 24 February 2012

Whole30 day 25, Crossfit session 34

5 days to go, woo!

Today I had to get to work early so that I could get to the 6pm Crossfit session, so breakfast was 2 hard-boiled eggs, some carrot sticks, half a tomato and some avocado, eaten at my desk.

Not very pretty, but pretty tasty!

Lunch was the last of the Jambalaya and snacks were nuts, dates, carrot sticks and some chicken. I also ate a can of salmon and some almond butter after Crossfit because I knew I wouldn't have dinner til late.

For dinner Glenn and I decided to be lazy and get takeaway, I had a Sicilian Chicken, which was a grilled chicken breast with a tomato, mushroom, olive and capsicum sauce and some steamed veggies. It was so delicious and therefore probably had all sorts of off limits ingredients in it! It did come with some potato, which is off limits but I ate it anyway, I figured breaking it with a vegetable isn't so bad.

The first workout for the 2012 Crossfit Games Open was released on Thursday and was a 7min AMRAP of Burpees, which has to be the cruellest thing I've ever heard!

The way the games work is that one workout is released every week for 5 weeks and anyone in the world who wants to can enter by either going to a Crossfit gym to do the workout or by videoing it and posting it online for verification. At the end of the 5 weeks all of the scores worldwide are compared and the leaders from each region then go to the regional competitions and then the winners from those go to the actual Crossfit games in the USA.

You only have a few days in which to complete each workout so Friday was the day at our gym and it was full of people doing burpees. I had no intention of entering but I was a bit worried that the trainers would make us do the same workout just for "fun". Luckily I was wrong! We did have to do 80 burpees though but it was over a long period of time and interspersed with other things. I think the people doing the games workout were getting over 100 burpees in those 7mins.


Max push-ups
15 x butterfly ab mat sit-ups

Repeat 5 times.

My pushups were 12, 8, 10, 10, 9.


10 x burpees
15 x jumping lunges (fuck these hurt!)
20 x double-unders (60 normal skips for me)
5 x shuttle runs (running a 3rd of the way up the gym and back)
90 second rest

Repeat 8 times.

My time was 32mins 51 seconds including breaks, so about 20mins total workout time.

Then we did some walking up and down the gym carrying 12 pound wall balls in each hand. If you dropped them you had to do 10 air squats, they were bloody hard to grip so I ended up doing squats every time.

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