Looooong post today, but I forgot to post Monday's.. sorry!
Crossfit Monday
5 x push-up
10 x squats
x 5
5 x
power clean (25kg, I could have done 30)
5 x
burpee (although girls have to do it like the boys, none of this knees business!)
5mins in pairs AMRAP
So one person did 5 power cleans then 5 burpees while the other rested and then you swapped. I think we got 4 rounds maybe. The time went really quickly!
1 2 3 4 5
Hang power clean
Handstand push-up (
this is actually a really good tutorial if you want to learn, it has lots of progressions)
1km row (800 run for everyone else)
5 4 3 2 1
Hang power clean
Handstand push-up
1km row (800 run for everyone else)
So 1 hang power clean, 1 hand stand push-up, then 2 and 2, 3 and 3 etc. and then the reverse after the first row.
My time 22mins.
I actually did handstand push-ups! Totally not gracefully and only barely moving, but still, progress!
The weekend was pretty bad food wise and not at all paleo. Friday night was going to be takeaway noodles because I'd run out of my usual Friday night post-Crossfit dinner of sweet potato fries with bolognaise sauce, but the noodle place was shut, so I made my own, which did not turn out as planned but were still delicious and probably slightly better for us than the takeaway ones.
Saturday night was parma and beer at the pub.. and then more drinks at home.
Sunday pizza and beer and wine at a board games night.
Monday night - vegetable curry and rice and then ice cream and preserved pear at a friend's house. I also had a protein shake in the car on the way there from Crossfit and a banana, because I wasn't sure what I was going to be eating at their house.
Bad bad bad. Lots of people seem to be starting a Whole 30 for August.. I'm kind of tempted too, but I'm going to a wedding on Saturday, so that will not be alcohol-free or paleo by any means and there's also a friend's 30th on Friday too, so that'll be a write off. There's always excuses. I do really need to rein it in on the weekends again though, they are definitely my downfall. Other than when eating with friends, I'm generally 100% paleo during the week and I know the 80/20 rule is okay but I think my 20 is turning into 40! I just need to convert my evil, naturally thin boyfriend to paleo.. or at least get him to rein in the junk food, because I give in very easily when I'm around other people eating it.
Posted recently on my gym's website. |
Crossfit Thurs
Far out it was cold this morning when I left the house at 6:30!
It was supposed to be a block run, but I can't run and the rowers were full so I went on the boring old exercise bike for a few mins, no idea how I used to go on that thing every day for 40mins.. how dull! I guess I was watching tv at the same time though.
Then 3 rounds of : 10 x air squats and 10 x stick rolls.
10 - 1
Strict press (front squat for the able legged)
Ball slams (15kg)
Sit-ups (were supposed to be GHD sit-ups but I wussed out)
200m row
So 10 presses, 10 ball slams, 10 sit-ups then 200m row, then 9 presses, 9 ball slams, 9 situps then 200m row, etc. etc. all the way down to 1 rep.
My time was about 27mins I think.
The others were doing back squats to 5rep max. I did:
1 x 30kg backwards
sled pull (so same thing, but walking/running backwards) the length of the gym and back
20 x kettle-bell swings (16kg)
x 3
Now I want a nap.. but I have to be at work :/
I kind of like cooking, but I don't like to do it every night when I'm usually home late or have been at Crossfit and am super hungry, so I like to cook things in batches and then keep some in the fridge and freeze the rest so that I have a variety of meals to grab and heat. Usually I do this on a Sunday arvo, but as mentioned in my last post, I have been busy the last two Sundays so my freezer was bare. So on Tuesday night I spent the whole night cooking, from 7pm until about 10:30pm. This is what I made:
Chicken casserole at the front and Bolognaise sauce in the blue containers |
Cauliflower fried "rice", looks gross but is amazing |
Dijon and honey chicken drumsticks |
I also made
lemon brussel sprouts, which were super delicious but I didn't take a photo. Now hopefully I won't need to cook anything other than breakfast for a week or so!